Beauty and Design Exhibited in Native American Utilitarian Art

Humboldt State University’s Native American Arts Gallery highlights the beauty and art of local tribe’s utilitarian objects in its most recent exhibit, I Am These People: Native Design Over Time. The exhibit features works by local Native American artists selected from many private collections and the collections of United Indian Health Services, the Seventh Generation Fund for Indian Development, Clarke Historical Museum and Humboldt State University Library-Humboldt Room. The exhibit runs Mar. 8 through May 5, opening with a reception on Thursday, Mar. 8 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

As a goal to showcase items in an artistic way, the Interim Board of Directors for the gallery chose utilitarian objects used by the traditional people among our local tribes; objects that are still central to the daily life of Indian People. Additionally, on exhibit are modern variations of some of these traditional items, such as, crocheted or knitted hats with basket designs that are a carryover from the everyday work hats or caps worn by the men and women of this region and contemporary interpretations of traditional objects using unexpected materials such as ceramic and metal.

Paula Allen, local Karuk/Yurok Native and Interim Board Member explains, “so often Native American items are featured in a historical or anthropological way, not in a way that honors the beauty and artistic value of the items. This exhibit attempts to blend together the historic and contemporary practice of Native American art making while highlighting the beauty, artistic value and design in these items.”

“The idea of a design show really struck a chord with the Board,” he says, “and we all worked together to develop a list of items that could be included in this exhibit. We were inspired to do something educational because of the gallery’s location on the university campus and this March, HSU will be hosting the California Indian Education Conference. This was a great opportunity to feature an exhibit that offers educators here and throughout the state a chance to view these items and to think about creative and new ways to provide education on California’s first peoples.”

“We were also inspired by the Native artists – the weavers and carvers, the artists whose work brings beauty into our lives everyday,” Allen says. “The name of the exhibit, I Am These People, comes to us from a poem by Brian D. Tripp (Karuk) in which he talks about how we are carvers, basketmakers, hunters and fisherman and how we have all done those things before. That is a powerful and inspiring concept, to think about our relationship as artists today with the artists of yesterday. That is a strong continuum, and we hope this exhibit is a step in honoring those contributions.”

The Native American Arts Gallery is located on the ground floor of HSU’s Behavioral & Social Sciences Building near Union Street and 17th Street. Gallery hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 12-5 p.m., Thursday 12-7 p.m. and Saturday 10-2 p.m. Admission is free and parking day permits are available for $3.50 at parking kiosks with additional parking at meters located along the street. For more information about the exhibit, please contact the Art Department gallery office at (707) 826-5814.