HSU photographer Kellie Jo Brown has been taking photos of campus for 15 years. She started on film, and even in this digital world, she continues to shoot analog for her art outside work. For this photo feature, we asked her to use some of her art techniques—to show the campus in a new light. So she headed out with a Holga—a cheap plastic, simplistic film camera that’s built a cult following for its imperfections. The pace of photographing on film is meditative, she says, and surprises await.
![Holga Gates Greenhouse](../assets/img/Holga_Gates_Greenhouse.jpg)
![Holga BSS](../assets/img/Holga_BSS.jpg)
![Holga Gist Tile](../assets/img/Holga_GistTile.jpg)
![Holga Founders Windows](../assets/img/Holga_FoundersWindows.jpg)
![Holga Forest Bridge](../assets/img/Holga_ForestBridge.jpg)
![Holga Founders Reflection](../assets/img/Holga_Founders_Reflection.jpg)
![Holga Redwood Bowl](../assets/img/Holga_RedwoodBowl.jpg)
![Holga Science D](../assets/img/Holga_ScienceD.jpg)
![Holga Cypress](../assets/img/Holga_Cypress.jpg)
![Campus Trip](../assets/img/campus-trip.jpg)
![Holga SBS reflection](../assets/img/Holga_SBSreflection.jpg)