“There is no one route to achieving liberation; the liberation of our communities requires a multifaceted approach. This month AACAE will offer tools, insights, and strategies to achieve personal and communal liberation in academia and in greater society,” says Douglas Smith, AACAE Coordinator.

Black Liberation Month Events
Thursday, Feb. 4 at 5:30 p.m., Safiya Noble, author of the acclaimed “Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism,” was recognized by Bustle as one of “10 Books about Race to Read Instead of Asking a Person of Color to Explain Things to You.” A professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Noble is also the co-founder and co-director of the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry and a research associate at the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford. Register for Noble’s presentation here.
Friday, Feb. 5 at 3:30 p.m., Kyle Boone, the director of Housing & Residence Life at Grand Valley State University, will talk about the lived experiences of historically marginalized populations in higher education. Register for Boone’s presentation here.
Thursday, Feb. 11 at noon, Leah Penniman will speak about her 20 years as a food sovereignty activist and her book, “Farming While Black,” which she calls a love song for the earth and her peoples. Register for Penniman’s presentation here.
Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 5:30 p.m., Ja’Net Adams will discuss the racial wealth gap and empowering students to take control of their finances. She is the author of “The Money Attractor! Everyone’s Guide To Winning With Money So They Can Live Their Dreams!” and “Debt Sucks University.“ Register for Adams’ presentation here.
Thursday, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m., licensed psychologist Nina Ellis Hervey will talk about navigating identity for women of color and her own journey with self-love. Visit the AACAE to register for this presentation.
Please contact the AACAE at (707) 826-4588 or aacae@humboldt.edu with questions. Visit their website for the most up-to-date information: aacae.humboldt.edu/black-history-month.