Coming to a meal near you: Sustainability

Sustainability has long been on the mind of students, faculty and staff at Humboldt State. With every passing year it seems the campus adds another innovative program to its growing résumé of environmental initiatives.

To that end, Dining Services has proudly debuted a new sustainability drive that focuses on getting more locally produced and organic goods onto the breakfast plates of the campus community. Six Degrees of Sustainability, a new Website, is an example of that commitment.

It might not seem like much, but a healthy snack of a lox-topped bagel, an apple and coffee can add up to literally thousands of miles traveled in order to bring food to the table. Reducing the carbon footprint of our meals can go a long way toward reducing our impact on the Earth's vital systems.

That's why our campus eateries routinely stock food and drinks from close to 30 different Humboldt County farms, bakeries, fisheries, restaurants and businesses. Buying local supports our county's many eco-friendly farmers and businesses, and reduces the energy required to bring you breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In the coming months, look for Dining Service's revamped logo (above, right) in places like the Depot and the J (see a full list of campus eateries). It's another step to help identify those goods that are produced with sustainability in mind.

Visit the Six Degrees of Sustainability site »
