General Faculty Election Results

_The following was provided by the HSU Academic Senate_ Listed below are the results of the General Faculty election held online September 12-15, 2011. There were 404 eligible voters, with 180 faculty casting votes (45%).

Professional Leave Committee: A run-off election (to be scheduled) will be held between the following candidates: C.D. Hoyle (Physics and Astronomy) and Tasha Souza (Communication).

General Faculty Representative to the Statewide Senate (ASCSU) (1-yr): Saeed Mortazavi School of Business

The proposed Revision to the Constitution of the General Faculty of HSU (4/12/11) shall replace the current Constitution of the General Faculty of HSU (Appendix E, HSU Faculty Handbook): PASSED (112 votes Yes (Approve), 64 votes No (Do Not Approve))

The proposed Constitution of the University Senate of Humboldt State University (March 29, 2011) shall establish the University Senate as the primary policy recommending body of HSU and shall dissolve the Academic Senate as described in Article IV of the current Constitution of the General Faculty of HSU (AppendixE, HSU Faculty Handbook): PASSED (109 votes Yes (Approve), 68 votes No (Do Not Approve))

The proposed Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the University Senate of HSU (4/7/11) shall replace the current Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate (App. F, Faculty Handbook): PASSED (113 votes Yes (Approve), 63 votes No (Do Not Approve))

If all three proposed governance changes are passed, the authority and responsibility for creating and implementing the procedures necessary to provide for a smooth transition to the new governance structures shall be delegated by the General Faculty to the Academic Senate. Current governance structures shall remain in place until the transition can be accomplished, with an anticipated completion date of no later than January 30, 2012 (Senate Resolution #28-10/11-FAC): PASSED (135 votes Yes (Approve), 42 votes No (Do Not Approve))