With its exuberance and its webs of harmony, music of the Baroque era has become a popular form of classical music. The ensemble conduced by Justin Sousa performs concertos by three of the best-known Baroque composers: Vivaldi, Telemann and two works by Bach.
Johann Sebastian Bach is often hailed as the greatest composer of all time as well as of the Baroque period, and his six Brandenburg Concertos are among the most acclaimed Baroque works. The ensemble performs the last of these. It features two violas, played by Sherry McHurd Hanson and Holly MacDonell.
In addition to this famous piece, the evening includes an unusual Bach double concerto for two keyboards and orchestra. This Concerto for Two Harpsichords is played instead with two pianos by soloists Annette Gurnee Hull and Nancy Correll.
Justin Sousa on bassoon and April Sousa on flute are the soloists for “La Note” (The Night), a concerto by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, composer of The Four Seasons. Holly MacDonell is the viola soloist for a concerto by the most prominent German composer of the Baroque era, Georg Phillip Telemann.
Additional soloists during the evening include violinists Marilyn Page and Mary DeAndreis. The orchestra members are Karen Larkin, Kit Morris, Julie Fulkerson, Bill Swackhamer, Carson McHaney, Jet Glover, Janet Futrell, Don Morris, Penny Sohrakoff, Les Shiaman, Kira Weiss, Katy Hartridge, Charlotte Swackhamer, David Aldinger, Mie Matsumoto, Westin McHaney, Bear Winkle, Peter DeAndreis and Greg Granoff. Most of the musicians are HSU Music alumni.
Proceeds from the concert will benefit the HSU Music scholarship fund, including the Deborah Clasquin Memorial Scholarship.
The evening of Baroque concertos performed by North Coast musicians is Saturday January 22 at 7 PM in Fulkerson Recital Hall on the HSU campus in Arcata. $8/$3 from HSU Box Office (826-3928) or at the door. Justin Sousa, conductor. http://HSUMusic.blogspot.com.