HSU Urges Students to Fill Out Census Form

Humboldt State University is encouraging all students to complete and return 2010 Census forms they are receiving by mail in preparation for National Census Day on Thursday, April 1. Students can return the short, 10-question form with a postage paid envelope included in the federal mailing.

The National Census, a numerical and demographic survey conducted every 10 years since 1790, is important to students, HSU authorities say, because it affects the disbursement of some $400 billion federal funds for key education and job training programs, including Cal Grant and other vital services.

A full count is essential. San Francisco authorities estimate the city lost some $300 million in the wake of the 2000 Census because of undercounting from lack of citizen responses. This year’s Census has added consequence, officials say, because of the nation’s ongoing economic crisis.

The federal government also uses Census data to determine apportionment for each of the states in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Census forms take only 10 minutes to complete and the responses are completely confidential. Details are available at www.californiacompletecount.org.