Program guides, flyers, posters, news-clippings, photos and recordings on different forms of media are all being rounded up and either photographed or transferred to digital audio and images. “We are identifying and cataloging all these items for listeners to have easy access to KHSU’s history with a click of the mouse on Humboldt Digital Scholar,” said Tom Cairns, a thirty-plus year station volunteer and archival committee chair.
Humboldt Digital Scholar is a digital archive collection of research and scholarship by HSU’s faculty, staff and students available at http://dscholar.humboldt.edu:8080/dspace/
A sample of some of the historical recorded news content includes KHSU volunteer Michael Fennell’s 1984 live-on-the-spot CAMP report. Also added to the archives is a reel-to-reel audio of an interview with the late environmental activist Judi Bari. It was recorded in 1993, three years after the infamous car bomb attack Bari and passenger Darryl Cherney suffered in Oakland in May of 1990.
KHSU Volunteer Coordinator Beth Rogers is getting the word out to people who have been involved with the station over the years. “We are hoping to reach out to former KHSU deejays, staff and volunteers through HSU alumni channels to encourage them to give us a paragraph or a short story on their days with the station, or memorabilia items that can be added to the archive,” Rogers said.
For details or to lend photos, audio or other KHSU memorabilia, dial the station offices at (707) 826-3221 or 826-4807.