Cal Poly Humboldt’s student media teams from bilingual monthly El Leñador, Osprey magazine and The Lumberjack student newspaper raked in 24 state college media awards at the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) statewide collegiate journalism conference this month.
El Leñador’s media team received the 2022 statewide Best of Show People’s Choice Award for newspapers at the ACP’s recent conference in Long Beach.
El Leñador also placed first in the California College Media Association’s contests for Best Illustration (Raven Marshall), Best Arts and Entertainment Story (Karina Ramos Villalobos), and Best Special Issue/Section.
Reporters, designers, editors, and photographers from The Lumberjack placed first in the California College Media Association’s (CCMA) contests for Best News Series (Morgan Hancock, Poppy Cartledge, Ruby Guillette), Best Column (Patrick Maravelias), Best Feature Photograph (Elliott Portillo) and Best Editorial Cartoon (Sam Papavasiliou).
Osprey magazine placed second in the competition for Osprey Best Magazine Story (Elizabeth Lachman, environmental studies major) and Best Magazine Inside Page/Special Design (Sam Salek, Geography major).
Karina Ramos Villalobos, co-editor-in-chief of El Leñador, was one of five students who attended the conference and collected awards for Cal Poly Humboldt. Villalobos says working as a Humboldt media leader has opened doors for her.
“El Leñador has shaped me to be the student journalist I want to continue to grow to be for my community,” Villalobos says. “Receiving a total of nine awards at the CCMA’s in Long Beach this past weekend filled my soul with energy and power. My purpose as a journalist will forever be to serve my community and continue to expand the stories of people of color and other marginalized groups.”
Elliott Portillo, photo editor for The Lumberjack, received several awards including first place for his feature photo of the Marching Lumberjacks.
“The Lumberjack played a pivotal role in my experience as a student at the university,” Portillo says. “It allowed me to explore ideas, concepts, and skill sets that I had never even thought about. It also gave me a platform to produce professional level content about things that mattered to me and my fellow students.”
For Portillo, student media work was a highlight of his college experience.
“I won’t forget late night sessions working on deadline, making sure we had every detail ready for publication, and I certainly won’t forget the relief and excitement of seeing our hard work represented in print the next day,” Portillo says. “These things, along with the support and camaraderie of my peers and advisers, made this experience one of the most fulfilling of my college career.”
Journalism transfer student Abraham Navarro, former editor-in-chief of San Antonio College Media, traveled to Long Beach to speak at a conference forum. Navarro placed third in the best photo competition for his work on the Osprey magazine. Navarro says scholastic media work prepares students for a professional media career by giving them a safe place to practice the craft while getting real publication experience.
“With a student newspaper, magazine or website, we are able to function as part of a team to create award-winning content,” Navarro says.
“[Media work] helps me to nurture my inquisitive nature and ask questions important to me and the community around me,” Navarro says. He also values the collaboration of student media work.
“There are serious benefits from the networking we get while being involved with our professors and peers alike, and all of this helps foster competent and responsible journalism,” Navarro says.
Cal Poly Humboldt Journalism & Mass Communication department chair Victoria Sama says the awards were an honor the students deserve for their hard work during a challenging pandemic year.
“These awards are evidence of the dedication our students have for serving the public good— for informing the community of important news and events and putting context and meaning into their stories,” Sama says. “Kudos also to our faculty who advise our journalism publication staff and steer students through tough times in doing great work.”
2022 Associated Collegiate Press
Best of Show Award
People’s Choice: Newspaper
El Lenador
2022 Associated Collegiate Press
Third Place General Excellence
El Leñador
2022 California College Media Association awards
Cal Poly Humboldt student media recipients were awarded in categories with four-year college or universities with enrollments under 15,000 students.
First place:
El Leñador Best Illustration
Raven Marshall
El Leñador Best Arts and Entertainment Story
Karina Ramos Villalobos
El Leñador Best Special Issue/Section
El Leñador staff
Lumberjack Best News Series
Morgan Hancock, Poppy Cartledge, Ruby Guillette
Lumberjack Best Column
Patrick Maravelias
Lumberjack Best Feature Photograph
Elliott Portillo
Lumberjack Best Editorial Cartoon
Sam Papavasiliou
Second places
Osprey Best Magazine Story
Elizabeth Lachman
Osprey Best Magazine Inside Page/Special Design
Sam Salek
El Leñador Best News Photograph
Lupita Rivera
El Leñador Best Features Photograph
Ricardo Lara Nava
El Leñador Best Infographic
Sergio Berrueta, Nancy Garcia, Lupita Rivera, Alexandra Gonzalez
Lumberjack Best Headline Portfolio
Morgan Hancock
Lumberjack Best Sports Photograph
Elliott Portillo
Lumberjack Best Photo Illustration
Elliott Portillo
Lumberjack Best Interactive Graphic
Josh Kelly
Lumberjack Best Newspaper Inside Page Spread
Elliott Portillo
Lumberjack Best Newspaper Front Page Design
Morgan Hancock, Elliott Portillo
Third places
Osprey Best Magazine Photo
Abraham Navarro
El Leñador Best Feature Story
Ricardo Lara Nava
Lumberjack Best Photo Series
Morgan Hancock
Lumberjack Best Infographic
Lindsey Graul, Leila Amrani