
Riding the Green Wave

It’s summer time and the surf is calling. Most surfers will be driving up and down the beach looking for that perfect set. This summer two surfers are ditching their car and doing it right.

Fisheries Dedication Honors Allen, Scott

Arcata – Humboldt State University will conduct dedications in early May to commemorate outstanding individual contributions to the University and the community.


Y.E.S. Brings People to Life

Arcata - Humboldt State University wildlife major Lindsey Payne believes all people should take up volunteer service at some point in their lives.
 “You get to learn a lot about yourself, and you have fun doing it,” she says.

Earth Day Every Day

Earth Day is coming, but at HSU, one day is not enough. We’ve rounded up a variety of events the students at HSU have organized of this celebration. Earth Day goes back to the late ‘60s as a United Nations, and eventually a global environmental teach-in.

HSU Oceanography Prof Hits the Airwaves

Got cable? Professor Greg Crawford gives a televised presentation on the Research Channel on April 27, 2008. The program will air four times that day: 1:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Pacific time).

Fulgham Contributes to New Peer Journal

Dr. Kenneth Fulgham, HSU Professor of Rangeland Resources, and D.E. Coultrap, a former HSU graduate student, are among the co-authors of an article about western juniper in the inaugural edition of Invasive Plant Science and Management magazine, published by the Weed Science Society of America under the auspices of the University of California, Davis.

ERE Students Prove Modeling Mettle

Arcata — Humboldt State's Environmental Resources Engineering students once again lived up to the tradition of academic excellence -- this time in the field of mathematics modeling.


Humboldt Welcomes New GreenLab

Dr. James Russell of the Department of Applied Technology holds in his hand a brick that looks like leftover supplies mashed together after art period, but it's more than that. It could be a great way to repurpose used styrofoam for building insulation.

Gala Dinner Honors Top Faculty Member

Arcata – Humboldt State University will recognize Dr. Carolyn Ward, Outstanding Professor for 2007-2008, at a formal dinner on Tuesday, April 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kate Buchanan Room, University Center.


Wild Goose Chase

Kyle Spragens rotates a large antenna mounted atop his state pickup truck as he drives past farm fields in the Arcata Bottoms, where he is searching for Aleutian geese. A receiver in the truck beeps as the antenna picks up a signal from a radio-collared goose.

Higgins Imparts a Sustaining Legacy

Humboldt State’s College of Professional Studies has flourished under the leadership of Dean Susan Higgins, who has readied her institution for the 21st century with a train of progressive initiatives.

HSU is Solar, Student-Style!

Arcata – Humboldt State University’s student-initiated Humboldt Energy Independence Fund (HEIF) Committee has granted $100,000 for two pilot projects: a photovoltaic system for the roof of the Old Music Building and new equipment to complete a Solar Radiation Monitoring Station (SoRMS).

KHSU Touts Salmon Care

KHSU and the Humboldt Fish Action Council are sponsoring a unique Adopt-A-Salmon program in connection with the public radio station’s fund raising drive April 5 -12.

Coming to a meal near you: Sustainability

Sustainability has long been on the mind of students, faculty and staff at Humboldt State. With every passing year it seems the campus adds another innovative program to its growing résumé of environmental initiatives.

New Book Aids Natural Resource Scientists

Arcata - Dr. Howard B. Stauffer, Professor of Statistics and Chair of Humboldt State University’s Department of Mathematics, has written a new book that introduces natural resource scientists to more current methods of statistical analysis, helping them to enhance their estimates of the probability of specific occurrences in nature.


Swimming Against the Current

The streams and creeks of coastal Humboldt County come alive every winter with migrating salmon, which struggle upstream to reach spawning grounds. Having survived predators and several years in the Pacific, many of these salmon will die without completing their journey. The culprit: antiquated road culverts that block their passage.

HSU Construction Team Takes On The Competition

For the first time ever, the Humboldt State Construction Management Team went head-to-head with other institutions, including Arizona State University and Cal Poly San Louis Obispo, in the 21st annual Associated Schools of Construction competition in Sparks, NV. The competition, which ran Feb. 14 and 15, pitted HSU against 137 teams representing a total of 34 universities from 15 states.

Students Propel Renewable Energy

Arcata - Thanks to a Humboldt State University engineering class, a non-profit partner and two local contractors, a Del Norte County ranch is now being powered year-round by an off-grid renewable energy system.

HSU Hosts Sustainability Expert

Arcata – Gil Friend, the global communications pioneer, will deliver the 15th Annual Chung-Watson Lecture in Business Ethics at Humboldt State University on Wednesday, February 27th at 3:00 p.m. in the Kate Buchanan Room, University Center. It is free and open to the public.


No parking required

"Oh man, this is gonna be a full bus." "There's already two bikes on the front. It's always like this on the bus to HSU." Don't be surprised. These aren't complaints about a broken system. It's the Jack Pass and it's a system that seems to be working well.

Richmond Endorses Sci-Tech Debate

Arcata - Humboldt State University’s chief is backing a combined elite/grass roots movement enlisting 2008 presidential candidates to debate a clutch of science, technology and medical issues that the movement believes are crucial to the nation’s well-being.

HEIF Energy Proposals Due Mar. 3

Arcata – Completed proposals from currently enrolled students are due Monday, March 3, for the first clean energy projects to be financed by the Humboldt Energy Independence Fund, a student program aimed at further reductions to Humboldt State University’s environmental footprint.


For the Birds

When oil-covered birds began washing ashore following a massive oil spill in San Francisco Bay last November, wildlife responders became overwhelmed and put out a call for experienced helpers. Tamar Danufsky and three volunteers from Humboldt County headed to the scene.

High Tech No Climate Panacea

Arcata – High technology and bio-fuels cannot by themselves reverse manmade climate change, and dramatic changes in such realms as land use by local government will be required, Humboldt State alumnus and keynote speaker Panama Bartholomy (’01) told Focus the Nation participants January 31.

Focus The Nation At HSU

Arcata – Humboldt State University alumnus Panama Bartholomy (’01) will weigh "The Heroic Challenge Facing Today's Youth" as the local keynote speaker in “Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for America National Teach-In and Town Hall Meeting.”