Latest Achievements

James Floss, Marcelino Pedro Gabriel Felipe, Communication

James Floss, Lecturer Emeritus of the Communication Department conducted a workshop via Zoom for teachers of English in Tijuana MX, “Teaching English through performance” for 14 teachers at the Cumbres International School. Said the Assistant Academic Dean, Marcelino Pedro Gabriel Felipe, a former student of HSU, “It allowed us to learn techniques to teach English with our students.“

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

James Floss, Lecturer Emeritus of the Communication Department conducted a workshop via Zoom for teachers of English in Tijuana MX, “Teaching English through performance” for 14 teachers at the Cumbres International School. Said the Assistant Academic Dean, Marcelino Pedro Gabriel Felipe, a former student of HSU, “It allowed us to learn techniques to teach English with our students.“

Name(s) of People Involved
James Floss, Marcelino Pedro Gabriel Felipe
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
James Floss