For the Media

About Cal Poly Humboldt

Contacts - General

Campus Phone/Email Directory

Campus Media Contacts 

The News & Information office is responsible for media relations and media inquiries about University decisions or issues.

General inquiries
News & Information office
(707) 826-3390

Aileen Yoo
Director of News & Information
(707) 826-5105

Drew Gwerder
Assistant Athletics Director for Strategic Communications
(707) 826-3631

Parking Permits

Permits are required to park in all HSU parking lots. To request a permit, please email and provide the following information:

  • Your News or Media organization
  • Date(s) permit is needed
  • Specific needs (access to loading zones, multiple vehicles, etc.)

More on visitor parking and maps.

Policy - Commercial Video and Audio Productions

Anyone planning a Production that utilizes any area owned or controlled by the University will need to obtain written permission from the Vice President for Advancement prior to production. Film permit requests and a script (see Appendix A) must be submitted to the Office of Marketing & Communications prior to any consideration. Generally, the approval process takes at least three weeks.

Information about process, timeline, fees, insurance and more.

Public Records Act Requests

Email your request to, and please include the following information

  1. Contact information – your name, mailing address and telephone number. Feel free to include any other information you may feel to be useful, such as your e-mail, fax or cell phone number. 
  2. Description of the specific records being requested. The request must be specific enough for the university to be able to identify the records being requested.
  3. Please let us know if you would like copies of the records or if you would like to come to our office to review them. Only the Public Record Request Coordinator is authorized to receive, grant, or deny any request for access. If a Cal Poly Humboldt or Auxiliary employee receives a request, it must be promptly forwarded.

Read more about PRA requests.