Latest Achievements

Chris Aberson, Psychology

Chris Aberson, Professor and of the Chair Department of Psychology, recently published an R package called "BetterReg for Calculation of Useful Statistics for Linear and Logistic regression.” The package was accepted to the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), the primary repository for R packages. Previously Dr. Aberson published several versions of a package called pwr2ppl that provides numerous functions for statistical power analysis. pwr2ppl has been downloaded nearly 15,000 times since it’s initial publication in 2019 and is widely recognized as having one of the most clever R package names.

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

Chris Aberson, Professor and of the Chair Department of Psychology, recently published an R package called "BetterReg for Calculation of Useful Statistics for Linear and Logistic regression.” The package was accepted to the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), the primary repository for R packages. Previously Dr. Aberson published several versions of a package called pwr2ppl that provides numerous functions for statistical power analysis. pwr2ppl has been downloaded nearly 15,000 times since it’s initial publication in 2019 and is widely recognized as having one of the most clever R package names.

Name(s) of People Involved
Chris Aberson
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Chris Aberson
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