Latest Achievements

Dr. Gordon Ulmer, Anthropology

Anthropology Assistant Professor Dr. Gordon Ulmer was recently awarded a grant from the HSU-ERFSA for his proposal "Socioecologies of Human-Wildlife Interactions in Northern California". His project will utilize a range of methods from anthropology (ethnography), ecology (habitat analysis), and wildlife studies (camera trap surveys) to investigate how residents in Northern California perceive, describe, and take action on issues involving wildlife.

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

Anthropology Assistant Professor Dr. Gordon Ulmer was recently awarded a grant from the HSU-ERFSA for his proposal "Socioecologies of Human-Wildlife Interactions in Northern California". His project will utilize a range of methods from anthropology (ethnography), ecology (habitat analysis), and wildlife studies (camera trap surveys) to investigate how residents in Northern California perceive, describe, and take action on issues involving wildlife.

Name(s) of People Involved
Dr. Gordon Ulmer
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Savannah Anderson
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