Latest Achievements

Jason Laugesen, Anthropology

Jason Laugesen has been selected as an awardee for the 2021 CSU Student Research Competition. Jason is an anthropology major with a focus on Mesoamerican archaeology. He is a research assistant at the Geospatial Archaeology Research Center and at the Cultural Resources Facility at HSU. For the past year and a half, Jason has been working under the direction of Dr. Cortes-Rincon on the Belize Archaeology Project. He uses ArcGIS to make maps of the ancient Maya structures and any other cultural features such as roads, quarries, and hydrology. The competition will be held virtually on April 30th.

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

Jason Laugesen has been selected as an awardee for the 2021 CSU Student Research Competition. Jason is an anthropology major with a focus on Mesoamerican archaeology. He is a research assistant at the Geospatial Archaeology Research Center and at the Cultural Resources Facility at HSU. For the past year and a half, Jason has been working under the direction of Dr. Cortes-Rincon on the Belize Archaeology Project. He uses ArcGIS to make maps of the ancient Maya structures and any other cultural features such as roads, quarries, and hydrology. The competition will be held virtually on April 30th.

Name(s) of People Involved
Jason Laugesen
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Savannah Andeson
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