Latest Achievements

Dominique Birdsong, Art + Film

Graduating senior and Honors Painting participant Dominique Birdsong, has been accepted into the MFA program at the Royal College of Art in London, England. The Royal College of Art offers postgraduate degrees to students from over 60 countries and is considered to be the world's leading art and design university, according to a recent international survey. It has also been consistently placed first in the OS World University Rankings. Dominique was accepted into the program through a highly competitive selection process, submitting paintings from her "Trapped" series, paintings that explore issues of identity and loss. You can see more of her work at

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

Graduating senior and Honors Painting participant Dominique Birdsong, has been accepted into the MFA program at the Royal College of Art in London, England. The Royal College of Art offers postgraduate degrees to students from over 60 countries and is considered to be the world's leading art and design university, according to a recent international survey. It has also been consistently placed first in the OS World University Rankings. Dominique was accepted into the program through a highly competitive selection process, submitting paintings from her "Trapped" series, paintings that explore issues of identity and loss. You can see more of her work at

Name(s) of People Involved
Dominique Birdsong
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Teresa Stanley
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