Latest Achievements

Alex Anderson, Art + Film

Studio Art senior Alex Anderson was one of forty students from around the country be included in FUSION, the 2012 Society of North American Goldsmiths Conference Student Exhibition. Anderson has been in the jewelry and small metals program for three years and the honors program for a year and a half. Her work is on display through May 12 at the HSU Annual Juried Student Exhibition.

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

Studio Art senior Alex Anderson was one of forty students from around the country be included in FUSION, the 2012 Society of North American Goldsmiths Conference Student Exhibition. Anderson has been in the jewelry and small metals program for three years and the honors program for a year and a half. Her work is on display through May 12 at the HSU Annual Juried Student Exhibition.

Name(s) of People Involved
Alex Anderson
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Jennifer Slye Moore