Latest Achievements

Alfredo Calderon, Kevin Chung, Steven Gracy, and Taylor Juchau, Physics & Astronomy
Four Physics & Astronomy majors were selected to be Cal-Bridge Scholars for the upcoming academic years. The Cal-Bridge program creates opportunities for historically underrepresented groups and first-generation students to participate and advance in STEM fields including physics, astronomy, computer science, and computer engineering, in order to increase their representation in PhD programs. Each scholar is provided a CSU as well as a UC mentor to help prepare them for graduate school applications and secure research opportunities. Students are awarded a scholarship up to $10,000 per year on a need-based assessment. Congratulations to all!
Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)
Four Physics & Astronomy majors were selected to be Cal-Bridge Scholars for the upcoming academic years. The Cal-Bridge program creates opportunities for historically underrepresented groups and first-generation students to participate and advance in STEM fields including physics, astronomy, computer science, and computer engineering, in order to increase their representation in PhD programs. Each scholar is provided a CSU as well as a UC mentor to help prepare them for graduate school applications and secure research opportunities. Students are awarded a scholarship up to $10,000 per year on a need-based assessment. Congratulations to all!
Name(s) of People Involved
Alfredo Calderon, Kevin Chung, Steven Gracy, and Taylor Juchau
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
C.D. Hoyle