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Paul Michael L. Atienza’s essay “Sociotechnical Infrastructures: Tracing Gay Socio-Sexual
App Socialities in Manila” is included in Beauty and Brutality: Manila and Its Global Discontents edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Robert Diaz, and Rolando B. Tolentino (Temple University Press). The authors and contributors investigate the “messy, fleshy, recalcitrant, mercurial, and immeasurable qualities of the city,” examining Manila’s sensorial qualities, its representations in the visual and sonic arts, and digital technology, and its engagement with the legacies of colonialism and neoliberalism.
Paul Michael L. Atienza’s essay “Sociotechnical Infrastructures: Tracing Gay Socio-Sexual
App Socialities in Manila” is included in Beauty and Brutality: Manila and Its Global Discontents edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Robert Diaz, and Rolando B. Tolentino (Temple University Press). The authors and contributors investigate the “messy, fleshy, recalcitrant, mercurial, and immeasurable qualities of the city,” examining Manila’s sensorial qualities, its representations in the visual and sonic arts, and digital technology, and its engagement with the legacies of colonialism and neoliberalism.