Latest Achievements

Jill Anderson and David Adams, School of Applied Health

Drs. Jill Anderson and David Adams received a $1.2 million Department of Education grant to implement a teacher preparation program designed to increase the number of California educators fully qualified to serve children with disabilities who have high intensity needs. The project is in direct response to the state’s growing demand for fully credentialed special education, early intervention, and related services personnel. The program will recruit diverse student cohorts to complete a teaching credential in either Special Education or Physical Education, and complete an MS in Kinesiology to obtain an Adapted Physical Education added authorization.

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

Drs. Jill Anderson and David Adams received a $1.2 million Department of Education grant to implement a teacher preparation program designed to increase the number of California educators fully qualified to serve children with disabilities who have high intensity needs. The project is in direct response to the state’s growing demand for fully credentialed special education, early intervention, and related services personnel. The program will recruit diverse student cohorts to complete a teaching credential in either Special Education or Physical Education, and complete an MS in Kinesiology to obtain an Adapted Physical Education added authorization.

Name(s) of People Involved
Jill Anderson and David Adams
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Cara Peters