Latest Achievements

Alison Ruth Holmes, Politics
Professor Alison Holmes (Politics) led the first-ever International Research Track of the CSU International Forum at the Chancellor's Office. Historically for CSU staff, the CO asked Holmes to be a Vice-Chair and expand the format to include faculty and/or international research. Holmes both facilitated the track and presented a paper with Drs Lily-House-Peters (CSULB) and Susan Ross (CSUSJ), "Supporting Diverse Students: Study Abroad and Transformation Curriculum", based on research at LB and Humboldt that explored ways campus study abroad preparation/follow-up programs could be more holistic and culturally aware. Holmes was asked to help develop the new track further next year.  
Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)
Professor Alison Holmes (Politics) led the first-ever International Research Track of the CSU International Forum at the Chancellor's Office. Historically for CSU staff, the CO asked Holmes to be a Vice-Chair and expand the format to include faculty and/or international research. Holmes both facilitated the track and presented a paper with Drs Lily-House-Peters (CSULB) and Susan Ross (CSUSJ), "Supporting Diverse Students: Study Abroad and Transformation Curriculum", based on research at LB and Humboldt that explored ways campus study abroad preparation/follow-up programs could be more holistic and culturally aware. Holmes was asked to help develop the new track further next year.  
Name(s) of People Involved
Alison Ruth Holmes
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Alison Ruth Holmes