Erin Austin

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Erin Austin
Academic Departments
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Jessie Vala’s exhibition, Object ^ Time ^ Conduit, opens on Thursday, October 25th, with a reception, 4:30-6:30pm, and artist’s talk at 5pm, both in the Reese Bullen Gallery. The show will run through December 8th.

Using a range of mixed media, Jessie Vala aims to investigate historical and mythological narratives surrounding ecological events that shape and change our world. In her site-specific installation Object ^ Time ^ Conduit, Vala will create an immersive and enigmatic sculpture-filled space utilizing multi-colored lighting and video installation, giving the viewer a chance to explore the visible and invisible world.

The Reese Bullen Gallery, named in honor of a founding professor of the Art Department, was established in 1970. The gallery is located in the HSU Art Building, at the intersection of B Street and Laurel Drive, directly across from the Van Duzer Theatre. The gallery is open Tuesday-Wednesday 12-5 pm, Thursday 12-7 pm, Friday 12-7 pm (12-8 Arts! Arcata), Saturday-Sunday 12-5 pm and closed Monday. Admission is free and all are welcome. For more information about the gallery, please contact the gallery office at (707) 826- 5814 or For parking information, please visit