Archaeologists From Poland Visit Campus Thursday

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Carolyn E. Hinson
Academic Departments
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Dr. Arkadiusz Koperkiewicz and Dr. Marek Polcyn, archaeologists from Poland, will be on campus to next week to present a lecture on their ongoing studies of the medieval archaeological complex at Bezławki, Poland.

The distinguished professors will present a lecture open to the public on Thursday, Sept. 24 at 2 p.m. in BSS 166, followed by a reception with snacks and drinks. There will also be a meet-and-greet on Sept. 25, from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in the University Banquet Room.

The Bezlawki Archaelogical Complex is a medieval archaeological site in Poland during an eventful time of religious transition and Teutonic Knights. Bezławki is the location of the Medieval Bioarchaeology in Poland field school run jointly through HSU Anthropology at the Slavia Foundation. Drs. Koperkiewicz and Polcyn also work at many other fascinating historical and archaeological sites across Poland.

Sponsors of the event are the Center for International Programs, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, College of eLearning and Extended Education, College of Natural Resources, and the Office of Research, Economic, and Community Development.