Students and alumni are logging onto Google Plus for advice on careers from fellow Lumberjacks.
The first two sessions of the new Backpacks to Briefcases webinars can be viewed at Google+. Featuring Sarah Wagener, vice president of talent acquisition and diversity at Pandora Radio, and Kristine Austin of Austin Communications the first two sessions answered students’ questions about starting their careers.
The next session is scheduled for noon on Wednesday, Dec. 10, featuring Will Smiley, HSU Alumnus and talent acquisition director at Genetech. Smiley will be discussing interview etiquette with a look at what top-level recruiters are after when hiring.
Backpacks to Briefcases was developed in response to growing demand from HSU students and alumni. They said they wanted more resources from the university to help their careers, whether it’s landing that first job or taking their careers to the next level. This interactive, internet-based approach is just one way Forever Humboldt is helping that happen.
Backpacks to Briefcases sessions are short, easily digested videos that happen live on Google+ and are archived for anyone to view later. You can watch it easily on your tablet, phone, computer, or web-connected TV.
And if you’re an alum interested in leading a discussion, we’re always looking for more contributors to this series. Let us know at alumni@humboldt.edu.