Throughout California and beyond, a small-but-growing group of Alumni Ambassadors connect with high school students to introduce Humboldt State. At more than 35 college fairs last year, these alumni-whether recent grads or 50 years out—played a big role in netting a record 15,000 enrollment applications for the fall '14 semester.
“We have some incredible volunteer alumni in this program and the program has grown to its greatest number of volunteers ever,” said Stacie Lyans, HSU assistant director of admissions.“
Among the group of 25 current ambassadors is an alumnus who understands Humboldt State’s history as well as any former student. Ron Siemens is the son of Cornelius “Neil” Siemens, fourth president of what was then named Humboldt State College.
“I’ve only been an ambassador for a couple of years, but it is always rewarding to talk with prospective HSU students and their parents as few in the Bay Area know much about Humboldt County let alone HSU,” Siemens said. “Since it has been over 50 years since I attended, I mainly talk about the environment of Humboldt County, the town of Arcata and the special characteristics of HSU. Many I meet claim that they are looking forward to less population, less traffic and the personal contacts afforded by a smaller university.”
If anyone should know about Humboldt State’s roots and traditions, it’s Siemens. He spent much of his childhood at HSU and actually lived with his family on campus from 1950-59. He also attended HSU, studying business from 1957-59.
“We lived on campus in the President’s house, which is now a sculpture garden near Redwood Bowl, and I attended college elementary school (now Gist Hall) from sixth through eighth grades,” Siemens said. “Living on campus was special as it allowed me to know most of the facility, become water boy for the football team, bat boy for the baseball team and later worked for the maintenance department as the plumber’s helper.”
Other current alumni ambassadors include:
Charles Acosta, ('83, Biology) L.A. Area
Cheyenne Cockrell ('13, Journalism), L.A. Area
Louis Gurney ('61, Forestry), San Francisco Bay Area
Lynn Huynh ('11, Theatre, Film, and Dance), L.A. Area
Richard and Jon Lyans (father and brother of Stacie Lyans), L.A. Area
Eric Williams ('93, Political Science), San Francisco Bay and Sacramento Areas
Cathy Halvorson Rudolph and Dan Rudolph (both '81, Wildlife), Truckee/Tahoe Areas