Starting on Thursday, April 9, Clem Snide, with openers the Heligoats, offer up their sweet and melancholic sound that merges vintage pop, cool jazz with a touch of classic country and a bit of folk. This 21+ show takes place at Humboldt Brews and is $12 general, $10 HSU students.
The Aggrolite’s follow up on Friday, April 10, also at Humboldt Brews with a 21+ show that promises equal parts Clash and Maytals influence. Veterans of the So-Cal ska punk scene, this band of California twenty-somethings can be seen for $20 general, $18 HSU students.
The weeks’ highlight is definitely Monday, April 13, when Seattle’s Fleet Foxes bring audiences to their uniquely baroque take on pop music. The band’s 2008 release Sun Giant, available on the ultra-hip label Sub Pop, has received tremendous critical acclaim, including being named Pitchfork Media’s album of the year.

As far as the Fleet Foxes’ music goes, lead singer Robin Pecknold puts it best: “We aim to be adventurous and true to ourselves and to enjoy our time together. The music we make is a reflection of our instincts. To me, the most enjoyable thing in the world is to sing harmony with people, so we do that a bunch. We love acoustic guitars, electric guitars, big rolling tom drums, mandolins, dulcimers, bass guitars, bass pedals, organs, pianos, kotos, and most of all harmony and melody.”
Fellow Indie rockers Blitzen Trapper open the show at 8 p.m. in the Arcata Community Center. Tickets are $25 general, $20 for HSU students.

Finally, don’t miss Vetiver with Richard Swift. Vetiver is a leading member of the freak-folk movement and, since 2004, has toured extensively with artists like Devendra Banhart and Joanna Newsom. Catch their show in the Depot on Thursday, April 16. Admission is $2 general and free for HSU students.
Tickets to all of these shows are available at the Works in Eureka and Arcata and the HSU Ticket Office. For more information, call (707) 826-3928.