HSU Model Arab League Receives Multiple Honors

HSU Geography major Ted Bliss was elected Secretary General of the 2010 Model Arab League. Bliss joined a delegation of 30 students from Dr. Paul Blank's Geography of the Middle East class and the Arabic Peace and Culture Club.

These students represented Humboldt State University at the 2009 Model Arab League Conference held April 3-5 at UC Berkeley's International House. HSU students won various awards for their representation of Iraq, Sudan and Jordan. Students competed against top-tier universities including UC Berkeley, Notre Dame de Namur University and Mills College.

As part of the simulation, delegates represented their nations on sub-committees focused on different issues in the Middle East. Students were required to master their countries' diplomatic stances to participate in the Joint Defense, Environmental, Palestinian Affairs, Social or Political Council.

Model Arab League is a student leadership development program administered by the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations. Participants learn about the politics and history of the Arab world and the arts of diplomacy and public speaking. Colleges and high schools from across the United States are invited to participate.
Following is a list of honors:
• Ted Bliss was elected Secretary General of the 2010 Model Arab League;
• Josh Aden was elected Assistant Secretary General of the 2010 Model Arab League;
• NightSnow Vogt, Ryan Willard, and Jennifer Jimenez were awarded Outstanding Delegation for representing Sudan in the Social Affairs Council;
• Bryan Fabert, Devin McDonnell and Ben Conant were awarded an Honorable Mention for representing Iraq in the Political Affairs Council;
• Katrina Nystrom and Andrew Bond were selected as Committee Chairs.
• Bryan Fabert, Jennifer Jimenez and NightSnow Vogt were selected as Committee Vice Chairs.