Tsunami Preparedness Week: Emergency Alert Systems Testing

HSU will conduct a campus-wide test of its Emergency Alert Systems on Wednesday, March 23 from 11 a.m. to noon.

The test will include the following notification systems:

  • Signage: “Test Today” signs will be placed prominently around campus.
  • HSU Alert Text & Emails: Throughout the morning, campus community members who have registered their mobile phone numbers with the HSU Alert system will receive text messages indicating the test is underway. Everyone with an active HSU email address will receive email notifications.
  • Campus Hotline & KHSU-FM: The campus information hotline, 707-826-INFO, and KHSU 90.5 FM will be updated with the test information.
  • Websites: The main HSU website and the HSU Emergency Conditions website will also be updated.
  • Public Address: Beginning at 11 a.m., the campus Emergency Public Address System will broadcast electronic alert high-low tones, a spoken message and a concluding “all clear” tone. White strobe lights will flash from various rooftop locations.

Make sure the phone number you have registered with the HSU Alert text messaging system is current. In the days leading up to the test, you will be prompted to review your emergency contact information as you log into myHumboldt. You can update your info at any time by logging on to ‘myHumboldt”:http://www2.humboldt.edu/myhumboldt/ and clicking on the Emergency Contacts tab of the My Profile pagelet.

New users can register for HSU Alert free of charge though your service provider may charge for text messages. Only registered numbers can be used to deliver emergency campus conditions updates. Click here to learn more about registering your mobile phone number with HSU Alert.

HSU’s test is being conducted as part of the California Tsunami Preparedness week, March 20 to 26. Multiple events and tests are being conducted this week to help teach communities living in tsunami prone safety and preparedness tips, which include:

  • Know your zone. Look for Entering and Leaving Tsunami Zone signs posted on most Humboldt county coastal roads.
  • Be Aware of Warning Signs. An earthquake that lasts a long time (30 seconds or longer) is nature’s warning that a tsunami may be on its way. If you are in a tsunami zone, don’t wait—evacuate as soon as you can safely move. Go on foot. It is unsafe to drive.
  • Stay away from the coast. The tsunami danger period always lasts many hours and sometimes for several days. Don’t return to the coast until officials tell you it is safe to do so.

To learn more about what you can do to prepare for tsunamis visit the links below.

Tsunami Preparedness Week:

Tsunami Evacuation Maps

Tsunami Fact Sheet

In the weeks following the test, HSU will host a series of trainings to enhance emergency preparedness on campus. General disaster preparedness training will be held Thursday, March 31 from 11 a.m. to noon in SBS 179. Training on working in HSU’s Emergency Call Center is available on Tuesday, April 5, from 3 to 4 p.m., also in SBS 179. Spanish speakers are encouraged to participate.

For more information on these trainings, visit the Risk Management website.