International Studies

Prof Alison Holmes invited to join European Commission Grant team

Professor Alison Holmes (INTL) has been invited to be on the international steering committee of a European Commission Jean Monnet grant hosted by George Washington University.

CSU International Forum

International Studies Professor Alison Holmes and Dr Susan Ross (San Jose State) presented to study abroad coordinators at the CSU International Forum at Sonoma State.

Interdisciplinarity - because the world is connected

Professor Alison Holmes (Chair International Studies and Politics) presented to the Association of Interdisciplinary Studies hosted by Sonoma State University. She was attending the conference to promote the new online interdisciplinary journal, csuglobal.

Promoting global in the CSU

Professor Alison Holmes and Professor Richard Marcus (CSU Long Beach) made a brief presentation via zoom to the CSU's Academic Council of International Programs enlisting their help to get the word out about the new online journal, csuglobal.

Alison Holmes

Prof Alison Holmes will be going to Europe—at last!—on a faculty award from the International Team in the Chancellor's Office. The trip—originally scheduled two years ago but canceled due to COVID—will take a group from across the CSU system to five different German universities.

Alison Ruth Holmes

Professor Holmes (International Studies) has been invited to be the founding Managing Editor of CSUGlobal, a new online journal hosted by the Global Studies Institute at CSU Long Beach.

Alison Ruth Holmes

Professor Alison Holmes (International Studies) was invited by the Liberal History Group in the UK to give their annual keynote address 'at' the National Liberal Club 'in London' on Jan 31 (via zoom). The topic of her talk was "The legacy of the 1992 General Election campaign - 30 years on".

Dr Alison Holmes has just published her...

Dr Alison Holmes has just published her fifth book - Multi-layered Diplomacy in a Global State: The International Relations of California published by Palgrave Macmillan in London.

International Studies Program Leader Dr...

International Studies Program Leader Dr Alison Holmes and two students - Samuel Lipiec (INTL) and Ileanna Spoelstra (PSCI & INTL) had an article accepted by the Diversity Abroad journal, Global Impact Exchange, entitled "Stepping From Behind the Redwood Curtain:

Alison Holmes, Program Leader for...

Alison Holmes, Program Leader for International Studies, was invited by the Deputy Mayor for International Affairs for Los Angeles and the USC Center for Public Diplomacy to a private event on city and subnational diplomacy.