Latest Achievements

Meenal Rana & Kishan Lara-Cooper, Child Development

Dr. Meenal Rana and Dr. Kishan Lara-Cooper, faculty Child Development, have recently published the article, "Identity, Relationships, and Community as Antidotes for Historic and Race-Based Trauma" in Adversity and Resilience Science.

They will present the article in the Diversity Science Initiative panel, at the Society of Study in Human Development Conference (Feb 7th-8th, 2022). Additionally, they will present two different papers at the Symposium, "Family Cultural Values and Practices: Reflecting on Religious and Spiritual Influences in Sikh, Muslim, and Indigenous Communities".

Yolexiz Camacho and Taylor Jones, two undergraduate students, are co-authors of the symposium.

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

Dr. Meenal Rana and Dr. Kishan Lara-Cooper, faculty Child Development, have recently published the article, "Identity, Relationships, and Community as Antidotes for Historic and Race-Based Trauma" in Adversity and Resilience Science.

They will present the article in the Diversity Science Initiative panel, at the Society of Study in Human Development Conference (Feb 7th-8th, 2022). Additionally, they will present two different papers at the Symposium, "Family Cultural Values and Practices: Reflecting on Religious and Spiritual Influences in Sikh, Muslim, and Indigenous Communities".

Yolexiz Camacho and Taylor Jones, two undergraduate students, are co-authors of the symposium.

Name(s) of People Involved
Meenal Rana & Kishan Lara-Cooper
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Meenal Rana
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