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Janelle Adsit, English

Janelle Adsit's book *Toward an Inclusive Creative Writing: Threshold Concepts to Guide the Literary Writing Curriculum" is now available from Bloomsbury. The book makes the argument that creative writing stands upon problematic assumptions about what counts as valid artistic production, and these implicit beliefs result in exclusionary pedagogical practices. To counter this tendency of creative writing, this book proposes a revised curriculum that rests upon 12 threshold concepts that can serve to transform the teaching of literary writing craft.

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Janelle Adsit's book *Toward an Inclusive Creative Writing: Threshold Concepts to Guide the Literary Writing Curriculum" is now available from Bloomsbury. The book makes the argument that creative writing stands upon problematic assumptions about what counts as valid artistic production, and these implicit beliefs result in exclusionary pedagogical practices. To counter this tendency of creative writing, this book proposes a revised curriculum that rests upon 12 threshold concepts that can serve to transform the teaching of literary writing craft.

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Janelle Adsit
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Janelle Adsit
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