Latest Achievements

Tyler Stumpf, Kate Lancaster, & Nancy Vizenor, Business

Tyler Stumpf (Asst. Professor, Management) recently presented a research paper written in collaboration with HSU School of Business faculty Kate Lancaster (Associate Professor, Accounting) and Nancy Vizenor (Asst. Professor, Management) entitled "The dual perspective revisited in Pacific Island hotel operations" at the West Federation CHRIE Conference in San Diego, CA. By inductively examining management operations systems in Pacific Island hotels, this study delineates theoretical insights on how Western and East-Asia Pacific perspectives can be integrated to optimize hotel operations in cross-cultural contexts.

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Achievement (100 Words Max)

Tyler Stumpf (Asst. Professor, Management) recently presented a research paper written in collaboration with HSU School of Business faculty Kate Lancaster (Associate Professor, Accounting) and Nancy Vizenor (Asst. Professor, Management) entitled "The dual perspective revisited in Pacific Island hotel operations" at the West Federation CHRIE Conference in San Diego, CA. By inductively examining management operations systems in Pacific Island hotels, this study delineates theoretical insights on how Western and East-Asia Pacific perspectives can be integrated to optimize hotel operations in cross-cultural contexts.

Name(s) of People Involved
Tyler Stumpf, Kate Lancaster, & Nancy Vizenor
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Tyler S. Stumpf
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