
Academic journal article publication

Professor Sarita Ray Chaudhury published a qualitative analysis of online user-generated content (UGC) titled "Laugh like Surpanakha": Modern Literary Re-imagining of a Famous Villaness in Indian Folkloric Traditions, in the journal Cultural Analysis.

Business Faculty, Dr. Humnath Panta Publish an Article entitled "Ex‐military CEOs and readability of financial reports".

Dr. Humnath Panta's recent research, "Ex‐military CEOs and readability of financial reports," published in the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, ABDC A* rated journal, reveals that firms led by ex-military CEOs issue more precise 10-K reports.

Dr. Panta, a Finance at School Business published an article in a prestigious finance journal

Dr. Humnath Panta, Associate Professor of Finance at School Business, recently published an article entitled "Organizational capital and credit ratings" in Finance Research Letters, an A-level ABDC journal.

Dr. Panta publishes a journal article in a top finance journal

Recently, Dr. Panta published a research article exploring the relationship between organizational capital and the readability of financial reports. Recently, his findings were published in the esteemed Finance Research Letters journal, which is ranked A by the ABDC. According to Dr.

Joshua Zender

Professor Joshua R. Zender was featured in WalletHub's piece about Balance Transfer Credit Cards. Read the piece here:  

Josh Zender

Josh Zender recently published a case study titled "Exploiting the Unemployment Insurance Program: A Role Play of the Actions of State Officials at the Height of the Coronavirus Pandemic" in Sage Publications.  This case positions the reader to consider the ethical pathways confrontin

Humnath Panta

Dr. Panta presented a paper entitled "Political Favoritism and Value of Corporate Cash Holdings " at the Southwestern Finance Association Annual conference held in New Orleans on March 3rd, 2022.

Humnath Panta

Published an article entitled "Exports and Imports-Led Growth: Evidence from a Small Developing Economy" on Journal of Risk and Financial Management 2022, 15(1), 11.

Professor Ray Chaudhury's work "This Is Who...

Professor Ray Chaudhury's work "This Is Who I Am: Instagram as Counterspace for Shared Gendered Ethnic Identity Expressions," with her co-authors, is now published online (ahead of print) in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

Dr. Sarita Ray Chaudhury, faculty in School...

Dr. Sarita Ray Chaudhury, faculty in School of Business published the article ““For the Gram”: An Exploration of the Conflict between Influencers and Citizen-Consumers in the Public Lands Marketing System” in the Journal of Macromarketing with coauthors Dr. Nafees and Dr. Perera.