Latest Achievements

Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy, Dr. Kaitlin Reed, Native American Studies

Drs. Cutcha Risling Baldy and Kaitlin Reed received a $50,000 grant from the S. H. Cowell Foundation for the Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab and Traditional Ecological Knowledges Institute. Funding will support general operations, ongoing yearly programs, and temporary initiatives of the Lab, including funding for personnel, supplies, and community events and engagement.

Academic Department
Achievement (100 Words Max)

Drs. Cutcha Risling Baldy and Kaitlin Reed received a $50,000 grant from the S. H. Cowell Foundation for the Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab and Traditional Ecological Knowledges Institute. Funding will support general operations, ongoing yearly programs, and temporary initiatives of the Lab, including funding for personnel, supplies, and community events and engagement.

Name(s) of People Involved
Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy, Dr. Kaitlin Reed
Type of Achievement
Submitter's Full Name
Cara Peters