Professor Alexandru M.F. Tomescu, Department of Biological Sciences, Outstanding Professor Award recipient, combines his teaching and scholarly activities to benefit the University community, which he joined in 2005. As the instructor of several Botany courses, Tomescu is praised for his ability to present clear, engaging lectures, while successfully integrating his research into his teaching. Students praise his dynamic and thought-provoking approach. Tomescu conducts research on a broad range of topics addressing the fossil record, morphology, and evolution of plants. As the author of more than 40 peer-reviewed publications, Tomescu has included many of his undergraduate and graduate students as lead authors. Humboldt State University is fortunate to have such a gifted instructor and productive scholar, and students will long value the mentoring he provides in the classroom, the lab, and beyond.

Professor Noah Zerbe, Department of Politics, Outstanding Service Award recipient, has had a meaningful impact on the University community. Known as a thoughtful and conscientious leader by colleagues, Noah was instrumental in the creation of the Strategic Plan. As co-chair of the planning process, he led planning groups and later compiled recommendations from disparate groups into one coherent and consistent document. He was also involved in the 2011 transition of the Academic Senate to a University Senate and was later elected Senate Chair. Noah has made, and will continue to make, a lasting contribution to Humboldt State.

Lecturer Loren Cannon, Department of Philosophy, Excellence in Teaching Award recipient, excels as a teacher, scholar, and advocate. Each semester, he teaches five courses. They include Philosophy program classes and his specialty—Environmental Ethics. Additionally, he has collaborated with numerous other departments on campus. For the Department of Critical Race, Gender, & Sexuality Studies he is teaching Trans* Lives and Theory. It’s a course he created and is one of the few of its kind in the CSU. Cannon is seen as an enthusiastic, engaging, and inclusive educator, and as a tireless advocate for transgender inclusion. His efforts in this area include conducting trainings in local hospitals, homeless shelters, schools, area churches, and on campus. His passion for students and dedication to social justice make him a valued lecturer.
The Distinguished Faculty Award recipients will be recognized at the upcoming Humboldt State Honors Dinner on April 22, where the University will also recognize the year’s Distinguished Alumni, Outstanding Students, and Staff Recognition Award recipients.
More information about the awards, including lists of past recipients, is at humboldt.edu/aavp/FacultyAwards.