Staff members prepare for the 1984 Humboldt Orientation Program. By 1955, campus leaders deemed it necessary to hold a Frosh Camp to orient freshmen before fall classes. Now known as the Humboldt Orientation Program, it covers everything from major planning and registration, to health and safety and more.

The Marching Lumberjacks take the field during halftime in Redwood Bowl. The field, muddy in this shot, was replaced by artificial turf just before the 2011 football season. Prior to the construction of Redwood Bowl, Humboldt State played most of its home games in Eureka High School’s Albee Stadium. That changed when former director of Athletics and head football coach Joseph Forbes arrived in 1946.

In this photo, taken in 1955 or 1956, members of HSU's Wildlife Society chapter work on a stream restoration project. The group, known as Conservation Unlimited, is still active on campus.

Students look at pieces displayed during HSU's annual Juried Student Exhibition in 1985. The show, which has been recast as the Art Graduates exhibition, takes place every April and May. The new exhibition gives all senior students the opportunity to present their work.

The Jolly Giant Commons were under construction in the late '60s and opened in 1968. The work didn't end there: In 1997 the facility was remodeled and upgraded for earthquake safety. An espresso bar was also part of the retrofit.

The 1980 cross country team is seen with the National Championship title trophy. Coach Jim Hunt, back row, second from the right, coached the team from 1965 until his retirement in 2008.