A Moment in Time: Eight Photographers from California’s North Coast

Humboldt State University First Street Gallery is pleased to present, A Moment in Time, a group exhibition featuring eight photographers from California’s North Coast, on display from October 4th through November 3rd, 2013. The exhibition will feature photographers working in diverse media and subjects and is meant as a sample snapshot of some of the artistic work being made in photographic media, currently, in the region of California’s North Coast.

The photographers in the exhibition work with a variety of techniques, some using, strictly analog, that is traditional wet darkroom techniques, others using purely digital approaches and still, others who employ hybrid analog/digital approaches. Despite these different technical approaches, the exhibition is unified by a group of artists who make visually compelling images drawing from a depth of poetic imagination.

Participating artists include, Julie Clark, Ricardo Febré, Nicole Jean Hill, Vaughn Hutchins, Suk Choo Kim, Ellen Land-Weber, John Mahony and William Pierson.

The exhibition opens as the western chapter of the Society for Photographic Education, holds its annual conference this year in Humboldt County, California, co-hosted by Humboldt State University and where a number of the exhibiting artists will be present and participating. Information about the conference programs can be found on line at west.spenational.org

The exhibition is curated and produced by Humboldt State University students enrolled in the university’s Museum and Gallery Practices Certificate Program. A reception for the artists will be held at HSU First Street Gallery on Saturday, October 5th, 2013, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. during Eureka’s monthly Arts Alive event. The gallery is open Tuesday through Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m. and is located at 422 First Street Eureka, California. Admission is free. Those planning group tours are encouraged to call ahead. For more information call 707-443-6363. To learn more, visit humboldt.edu/first.