Brittany Britton, Michelle Hernandez, Harley Hinkle, Nelia Marshall, and Eric Ruiz expound on histories, identities, stories and perceptions through their photography, sculpture, painting, drawing, audio, and video.
Photographs, portraits, and self-portraiture mingle with drawings and paintings alongside audio installation, video performance, and sculptures to create Beyond Traditions. This exhibit weaves together the diverse studio practices, personal narratives, and perspectives of five Native American artists, providing gallery viewers with the means to broaden understanding and break through oft-held stereotypes.
The shared experience of Britton, Hinkle, Hernandez, Marshall, and Ruiz as HSU Department of Art graduates creates the opportunity to witness the commonalities and contrasts between the artistic practices of each Native alumnus. This is evident as the five artists describe intentions and backstories for their work.

Britton’s multi-faceted sculptures alongside self-portraits and video performance are self-described as, “imagery, fibers, found objects, and performative acts” that use “familiar symbols to expand upon the histories and language of identity-based cultures.” Marshall states that she hopes to”create an honest and unbiased portraiture of Hoopa and its people.’ through her woven and fiber-based work displayed alongside her series of photographs. Hernandez, in working with film and photography, desires to help “break the stereotypes and create a discussion for better understanding.”

Ruiz explains his work as an “indigenous glimpse into our past California history” conveying “awareness of slavery and genocidal practices in early California through [his] cultural interpretation and historical research.” Hinkle’s photo-portrait series coupled with audio of each Native subject “emphasizes the necessity for sharing Native knowledge with people of all backgrounds to help eliminate misconceptions and ignorance.”
The Goudi’ni Gallery, located on campus in the Behavioral & Social Science Building, highlights the work of contemporary and traditional Native American artists. Through a partnership with HSU’s Center for Indian Community Development, the gallery seeks through its exhibitions to broaden the relationship among Humboldt State University, Native populations, and the local community.
HSU’s Goudi’ni Gallery is open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 12 to 5 p.m., Thursday 12 to 7 p.m., Friday 12 to 5 p.m., and Saturday 10 to 2 p.m., with free admission to exhibits and events. For more information about the gallery, please contact the gallery at (707) 826-5253 or For parking information, please visit