In the Student Business Services building, work wrapped up on the old Campus Marketplace, which was completely overhauled. The renovated space, which includes new chairs, tables, carpeting, projection screens and a touch screen television, will primarily function as a campus welcome center for parents and prospective students leaving for campus tours led by the Office of Admissions. It will also serve as an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for HSU Emergency Management staff and as a donor call center for University Advancement.
As in year’s past, several classrooms received smart upgrades. The Computer Lab, located in Gist Hall 215, received new Mac computers and workstations, upgraded lighting and an improved layout to accommodate collaborative learning, according to university planner Mike Fisher. Siemens Hall 216 also received a facelift with new workstations, projection screens and moveable white boards. The new space is called a LearnLab and was designed by SteelCase Work Space Futures Group, Fisher said.
Elsewhere on campus, several buildings got major upgrades. Feuerwerker House, which previously housed Administrative Affairs and Facilities Planning & Design, was completely overhauled. The new space includes new furniture, fixtures and an open floor space, increasingly functionality. The refurbished building houses the Center for International Programs, which was previously located in Siemens Hall. The first floor of University Center’s South Lounge also received new lighting, furnishings and an open floor plan.
Across campus, Facilities installed new recycling and trash containers to streamline the discarding of waste and recyclables. The bins were funded through a grant from the Office of Sustainability.
On the east side of campus, Forbes Gym received enhancements that included all new exterior paint and exterior repairs, as well as a 50 year roof. Future potential projects include replacing the score board and a new track in Redwood Bowl, Fisher said.
Each summer, Facilities Management undertakes a number of larger projects designed to improve campus functionality, aesthetics and deferred maintenance. Improvements are also conducted on an ongoing basis through the school year. For more information, visit humboldt.edu/facilities.