Surveying Richmond’s performance record, the review cited the highest level of enrollment in HSU history, more inclusive academic governance, improved budget information and better university name recognition.
The findings also singled out Richmond’s establishment of an Advancement Foundation for donor funds, a Cabinet for Institutional Change to promote a healthier campus culture, the Office for Community and Economic Development to bolster the Redwood Coast economy and a Director of International Programs to foster partnerships with countries like China.
The review also noted Richmond’s creation of an Advising Center to serve students and a university liaison with the region’s Native American tribes.
Completed in mid-May, the CSU report was based on written comments submitted by HSU faculty, staff, students, alumni and community representatives.
The team of outside experts visited the campus in late April and conducted one-on-one interviews with various members of the university community. The team comprised Dr. Joseph Crowley, President-Emeritus, University of Nevada, Reno; Dr. Roberto Haro, Professor-Emeritus, Cesar Chavez Policy Institute, San Francisco State University; Robert Linscheid, a CSU trustee; and Dr. Roy McTarnaghan, President-Emeritus, Florida Gulf Coast University
CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed said he and Richmond had identified a series of objectives for the next few years, including continued enrollment growth, more diversified funding sources, better graduation rates, expanded relationships with Native American groups and more student educational opportunities online.
“Dr. Richmond is energized by challenge,” Reed said in the review’s conclusion, and “he thinks critically and strategically for the constant improvement of Humboldt State.”
Reed also praised Richmond for his role as a leader in the Redwood Coast’s intellectual, cultural and social life.