At an-campus Silver Lamp luncheon March 2, HSU President Rollin Richmond presented each inductee a framed certificate of appreciation, and offered recipients a moment to reminisce about their quarter century at HSU, which most recalled as "quite wonderful."
Those honored this year are (front row, l to r): Dorothy Hampton (Counseling and Psychological Services), Carol Morse (University Computing), Diane Korsower (Health Center), Armeda Reitzel (Communication), and Sherry Jones Deffenderfer (Academic Personnel).
Second row (l to r ): Martin Flashman (Mathematics), Andre Lehre (Geology), and Jeffry Borgeld (Oceanography).
Not shown is Barbara Dyer (Help Desk), Christopher Seitz (Research Vessel Operations), Dave Campbell (Psychology), Richard Golightly (Wildlife Management),Tom Wood (Athletics), Mary Ann Evans (Contracts and Procurement).