Over the course of the weekend, participants will experience all the highs, lows, fun, and pressure that go with running a startup business.
The community-focused event provides a place for students and community members to find co-founders, mentors, and momentum for their ideas or just apply their classroom learning.
“All majors are strongly encouraged to participate. In fact, the weekend will be stronger with participants with diverse backgrounds and knowledge areas,” says Entrepreneurs Club’s faculty advisor and HSU business professor Nancy Vizenor.
Startup Weekends were developed by Google For Entrepreneurs, part of the Mountain View, Calif.‘s company’s effort to provide financial support and productivity tools to new business ventures. Nearly 3,000 Startup Weekends have been held in more than 150 countries.
The weekend takes the process of developing a startup and puts it on fast forward. “You have the option of making a 60-second pitch. The pitches are then whittled down to the top ideas, and then teams form around the ideas to come up with several developed companies or projects,” says Vizenor.
The weekend wraps up with demonstrations in front of an audience of judges. Participants are not required to pitch ideas, and many find themselves joining teams to develop ideas. According to the organization, about 25 percent of the weekend’s teams will continue their partnerships after the event.
For more information, or to register, visit humboldt.edu/business/about/news/hsu-startup-weekend.