Since the outbreak of civil war, over 5 million Syrians have fled their country seeking safety and freedom. The panel will discuss the US’s roll in relocating and resettling the refugees and what potentially lies ahead as the humanitarian situation unfolds.
The panel includes HSU faculty members Tony Silvaggio, Dept. of Sociology; Leenah Dallasheh, Dept. of History; Jared Larson, Dept. of Politics; and community members Sierra Leash, Activist, Refugee Shelter House and Anne Braak Katz, Activist, Refugee Support. This discussion will focus on the context of the crisis and international migration policies. “We will also engage the audience, answer questions, and think about ways our community can help,” says Professor Dallasheh.
In addition to the discussion, Dallasheh also hosts the “Let’s Talk about the Middle East” film series at the Richard’s Goat Tavern. All films are free and open the public and include a discussion following the screening. Films include:
“Baran” directed by Majid Majidi
Thursday, March 2, 7 p.m.
“Arna’s Children” directed by Juliano Mer Khamis
Thursday, April 6, 7 p.m.