Student clubs, academic departments, and other campus organizations are invited to donate as a group; the group that donates the greatest quantity of high-quality food will have the opportunity to sit down to lunch with HSU President Rollin Richmond on Thursday, December 7. There is no limit to the number of people in a contributing organization, but only ten individuals from that group will be hosted at the luncheon with President Richmond.
"This is one of the ways that students can really show that combating hunger and homelessness is a priority on this campus," said Jaime Thompson, a Service Learning Intern and one of the student organizers of the food drive.
Individuals and groups are encouraged throughout the HSU Holiday Food Drive to donate either at the Service Learning Center (Nelson Hall West 139) or at the YES House (House 91). To receive credit towards the luncheon with President Richmond, sealed, non-expired food donations should be placed in a strong bag with a note attached detailing the name of the donating organization and appropriate contact information.
For more information, please contact Mike Cipra at (707) 826-4963 or