HSU to Honor Meritorious Faculty

Saeed Mortazavi, School of Business, and Leslie VanderMolen, Department of Biological Sciences, will be recognized during the annual reception for the Humboldt State University Academic Senate on Tuesday, May 3, at 5 p.m. at Baywood Golf and Country Club, Buttermilk Lane, Arcata.

The occasion also will mark the 50th anniversary of the faculty body, which met for the first time on April 3, 1961 as the Humboldt State College Academic Senate.

Professor Mortazavi, who has been at HSU more than 28 years, will receive the 2010/2011 Outstanding Service Award. VanderMolen, lecturer in biology for 20 years, will receive the 2010/2011 Excellence in Teaching Award.

Mortazavi's sustained service includes memberships of 35 university committees across almost three decades and four years as Academic Senate chair. A faculty awards panel praised his "professional and thoughtful leadership" and "deeply principled foundation of service." Mortazavi also will be recognized for his contributions to the School of Business, where he taught "an incredible number of overload classes" and served as "a tireless and effective chair."

In 20 years in the classroom, VanderMolen has taught biology, zoology, human biology, human genetics and specialized anthropology to more than 8,500 undergraduates. She receives consistently high teaching evaluation scores from students. In the words of one undergraduate, "It was clear from the first day of class that Leslie loves biology, is very knowledgeable about the subject, and enjoys sharing her knowledge with others. She presents information with enthusiasm, skill and humor."

Refreshments will be served at the May 3 reception and there will be musical accompaniment. RSVPs are requested by April 28 at 826-3311.