HSU’s 28th annual Indigenous Peoples’ Week (IPW) virtual and in-person events to honor Native American culture and art and focus on issues that impact Indigenous communities.
IPW opens with a virtual performance by Indigenous comedian Adrianne Chalepah, an enrolled member of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma and a member of the Apache Tribe of Oklahoma. Other events include talks by Indigenous alumni and the groundbreaking ceremony for HSU’s new Food Sovereignty Lab. The Lab will operate as a commercial kitchen and serve as a study and research space, and host University and community events. When complete, HSU will become the first university in California with a space dedicated to uplifting tribal sovereignty through the research, practice, and preservation of food sovereignty.
Indigenous Peoples’ Day was first adopted in 1992 in the city of Berkeley, California in place of Columbus Day. The recognition brings awareness to the injustices that took place against Native Americans as a result of Columbus’s false narrative of “discovering America.” More than 100 cities in several states, in addition to the District of Columbia, celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Read more about Indigenous Peoples’ Day (USA Today, 2020).
IPW events are coordinated by HSU’s Indian Tribal & Educational Personnel Program, which has supported Native American Indian students for more than 50 years. Local tribal members and HSU faculty founded the Indian Teacher Education Project in 1969 to support 18 American Indian students preparing to become teachers. In 2012, it was renamed the Indian Tribal & Educational Personnel Program to reflect the inclusion of students from a broad array of majors.
Please note events are subject to change. Check itepp.humboldt.edu/indigenous-peoples-week for details and don’t forget to wear a mask whenever indoors, regardless of vaccination status, and outdoors if you cannot maintain a six-foot distance from others.
Thursday, Oct. 7
4-6 p.m.
ITEPP’s Fall Native Student Welcome, featuring Indigenous comedian Adrianne Chalepah
Zoom link
Friday, Oct. 8
3-5 p.m.
Food Sovereignty Lab groundbreaking event
Facebook livestream @hsunap
Monday, Oct. 11 (Indigenous People’s Day)
1-2 p.m.
Frank Waln, an award-winning Sicangu Lakota Hip-Hop artist and music producer from the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota
Zoom link
Tuesday, Oct. 12
4-6 p.m.
HSU Alumni Native Women’s Panel
Penelys Droz, Carolyn Dunn, Heather Hostler, and Maggie Steele
Zoom link
Wednesday, Oct. 13
Noon – 1:15 p.m.
Decolonizing Sustainability Speaker Series: “We Have Always Been Scientists: Western Science, Sustainability & the Delegitimization of Indigenous Knowledge Systems”
Sign up for the webinar
5-7 p.m.
HSU Alumni Native Men’s Panel
Corey Gray, Calvin Hedricks, Chag Lowry
Zoom link
Thursday, Oct. 14
2-3 p.m.
STEM work in Indian Country – INRSEP
Zach Erickson, Kalani Ortiz, Chris Villarruel
Zoom link
4 p.m.
Virtual Opening Reception: BDT: A Retrospective, presenting works by Karuk artist Brian Tripp at the Goudi’ni Native American Arts Gallery
Link to register for Zoom
6 p.m.
Danza Azteca lecture
Zoom link
Friday, Oct. 15 and Saturday, Oct. 16
Danza Azteca Performance on the Quad
About Indigenous Culture and Resources at Humboldt State University
The northernmost campus in the California State University (CSU), HSU is located on Wiyot land with 13 federally recognized tribes in the University’s service area: Bear River Rancheria; Big Lagoon Rancheria; Blue Lake Rancheria; Elk Valley Rancheria; Hoopa Valley Tribe; Karuk Tribe; Quartz Valley Indian Reservation; Resighini Rancheria; Round Valley Tribe; Tolowa Dee-Ni’ Nation; Trinidad Rancheria; Wiyot Tribe; and Yurok Tribe.
A leader in providing college opportunities for Native American students, HSU was the first CSU campus to offer a baccalaureate degree in Native American Studies and offers a graduate program in social work that focuses on the needs of Indigenous communities and a first-of-its-kind minor in American Indian Education.