This spirit of collaboration builds on a partnership formalized in a 2019 summit between HSU President Tom Jackson and CR President Keith Flamer. Their overall goals are to make the CR-to-HSU transfer process seamless and accessible, identifying potential areas for collaboration in academics, admissions, athletics, and housing.
“By working together, we’re investing in the future of our communities and the local tribes. Putting CR transfer students on a seamless path to earning their four-year college degrees and beyond helps them to dream big and make a difference in this world. Their success is our success,” says HSU President Tom Jackson.
Since the summit, HSU and CR representatives have been working together, remotely and virtually, to optimize student experiences and opportunities across disciplines. A recent survey of summit participants highlighted the major developments since the 2019 summit, which include:
● Welcoming the first cohort of the RN to BSN Nursing program, a historic achievement that Senator Mike McGuire called a “milestone” for the region’s rural healthcare system. Currently, 13 nursing students are working toward graduating with their Bachelor’s of Nursing in 2022. HSU and CR joined efforts on admissions, advising, and marketing to recruit students in the Northern Regions.
● Project Rebound at HSU and the CR Pelican Bay program teamed up to support students throughout the formerly incarcerated community.
● An HSU+ Transfer model is being built that includes a focus on transition success prior to matriculation.
● Pharmacy services are being coordinated for students at both institutions.
● HSU’s Social Justice, Equity, & Inclusion Center and CR’s Multicultural Center are developing a mentorship agreement for transfer students.
● CR students and employees can check out books and access other resources at HSU’s Library for free.
● Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, HSU hosted several events on campus that included basketball games and other academic events for students at CR.
● CR created three new degree pathways that will prepare CR students in Social Justice, Environmental Science, and Social Work and Human Services to attend HSU and other four-year schools.
Administrators are also exploring the potential to share HSU’s physical resources, such as science laboratories and campus housing, with CR students.
“We are continually looking for ways to improve the outlook for people in our community, and strengthening the partnership and transfer pathways between CR and HSU in both traditional liberal arts programs and career education curricula, such as nursing and social work, will undoubtedly lead to better opportunities for students in our area” says President Flamer.
The College of the Redwoods will host the next HSU-CR summit on February 19. This virtual summit, organized by both President’s offices, will be designed to celebrate accomplishments and set an action plan for the remainder of the academic year. In preparation, organizers surveyed the participants of the first summit and those who will be representing CR and HSU at the upcoming summit about accomplishments and about short and long term priorities.
“All prior and new participants share our Presidents’ commitment to action, accountability and celebration. The staff, students, and faculty of both institutions want to continue to move together beyond talk, build on our successes, and see things happen. The summit will be designed with this shared primary goal in mind,” says HSU’s Deputy Chief of Staff Lisa Bond-Maupin.
In addition to the summit, with the anticipated return to in-person instruction this Fall, Presidents Jackson and Flamer will prioritize the partnership by co-hosting, when COVID-19 regulations allow, regional athletics games and recruiting events.