HSU is one of the 127 best colleges in the West according to The Princeton Review. The education services company lists HSU in the Best in the West section of its “2020 Best Colleges: Region by Region” feature. See the full results at princetonreview.com/bestwestcolleges.
The website features a total of 656 colleges that The Princeton Review recommends over five regions: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, West, and International. The colleges that made the “Best in the West” list are located in 12 Western states.
“We chose HSU and the other outstanding institutions on this list primarily for their academics,” said Robert Franek, The Princeton Review’s Editor-in-Chief. He noted that the company considered data from its survey of administrators at several hundred colleges in each region, information from staff visits to schools over the years, and the opinions of college counselors and advisors whose perspectives the company solicits.
“We also consider what students enrolled at the schools reported to us on our student survey about their campus experiences,” Franek said.
The Princeton Review survey asks students to rate their colleges on dozens of issues and to answer questions about themselves, their fellow students, and their campus life. Comments from surveyed students are quoted in the school profiles on The Princeton Review website.
Some student comments say HSU is “unique and conscientious,” that the University is “a damn good education for a good price” and that it provides “academic rigor in an exceptional environment” and “hands-on experience that most other colleges don’t offer to undergraduates.”
Collectively, the 656 colleges on The Princeton Review’s “regional best” lists for 2020 constitute about 22% of the nation’s 3,000 four-year colleges. Read more about the Princeton Review’s rating system.
Note: This story was originally published on August 6, 2019.