Karshner Lounge Gallery
Charles Snowden and Nick Seckington
These artists present a variety of sculpture, photographs, high and low fire ceramics. The Karshner Lounge Gallery is located above the Depot in the University Center.
Foyer Gallery
Seek: A Study of Light and Image

Angela Mae Revell
Angela Mae Revell exhibits her photographs of vulnerable bodies, which are printed on transparent litho film suspended on delicate fishing line and are influenced by the slightest breeze and backlit with simple, exposed light bulbs—nothing is hidden from the viewer in terms of construction or presentation.
Seek: A Study of Light and Image, in the Foyer gallery explores the possibility that what initially appears to be easily accessible and available, may be equally obscured, masked and hidden. These themes are explored through the use of transparent and fragile media in counterpoint with photographs of vulnerable bodies; a symbolic commentary on the duality of, and conflict between, physical and emotional expression. An art reception will take place Mar. 9, 7-8 p.m.
The Foyer Gallery is located in HSU Art Department.
Student Business Services Gallery
Where Pigeons Rule the World
Sarah Woodard and Nicholas Hunt

Sarah Woodard creates low fired ceramic sculptures that become tangible fantasies relating to ones childhood. Being able to view the piece 360 degrees helps bring the sculpture to life and gives each piece a personality of its own that the viewer can be drawn into.
Nicholas Hunt creates his work in oil paint and watercolor. Nick, through painting and drawing, forms satirical characters that evoke comedic realities dealing with transformation and the imagination.

Artists’ reception Mar. 9, 6-9 p.m.
The Student Business Services Gallery is located on the first floor of the SBS building.