Omnisexual Studio Tour

The annual Teach-In event for Sexual Diversity, Psychology 437 takes place Tuesday, December 5th, 1pm in the Kate Buchanan Room. As part of the Multi-Cultural Queer Studies Minor, the teach-in seeks to challenge and educate the campus and larger communities regarding sexuality, orientation and gender.

Taking the form of a studio tour (think Universal Studios), participants will be taken through the “filming” of different television shows including a courtroom drama, game show, news hour and teen reality show. Each presentation will open the mind to the many different types of sexual beings we have in this world. In addition, resources and goodies will be provided by the studio staff.

This eye-opening experience will challenge preconceived notions of sex, gender, and the dichotomy of “man” and “woman” prevalent in today's society. So, come celebrate the remarkable sexual diversity we have in this world by taking part in the Omnisexual Studio Tour!